Friday, 20 February 2009

OH! MY! STARS! (again)

Princess Curly Wurly was still awake last night when I went to bed at 1000 hours. She told me 'she wouldn't be able to sleep'.

She was up, crawling into my bed at 0600 because she was 'too excited to stay asleep'.

At a reasonable hour (I made her hang out until 0900) we went over to the puppy woman's house and after politely chatting for a bit Princess C-W's enthusiasm and bouncing was too much so we scooped up young Miss Isabell and headed home.

We had a specially kitted out cane basket to put her in for the 40 minute trip home. It seems there was far too much fun (and chicken bits) to be had on 'someone's' lap ;-)

My poor old men are currently running scared. I don't know why - butter wouldn't melt, would it?

Not that she is a prodigy or anything but she had only been in the house half an hour when she figured out how to negotiate 'the stairs'. (These stairs will eventually be her access up to Pr.C-W's bed, it is v. high.)

And after all that exercise it was time for a well-deserved sleep.

Yep, I think she is going to fit in just fine.


  1. Awwwww... I can see her now! How adorable is that little face? x

  2. She is so cute! No wonder Pricess Curly Wurly was so excited.

  3. What a sweetie!!! Is she a Scottie? I love the smell of puppy breath!

  4. awwwwwww she is adorable as NO 3 would say.....
    actually aaadooooooooorable!!!!!!

    I think I might need new specs.when i read this
    *We had a specially kitted out cane basket*
    I read "We had a specially knitted cane basket" I am the heck do you knit CANE??Why would you WANT to knit cane??ROFL!!!

  5. she is the most cutest ever!!!! i wish i was the one cuddled her there! :)

  6. Awwwwww - she's gorgeous!! No wonder Pr CW couldn't sleep!

    I love that photo of her asleep in her new Mummy's arms :-)


  7. Well worth the wait - all the pebbles have been oooh-ing and aaah-ing over little Isabell. The eyes, the nose, the fuzzy tum and the little legs have it. Ace!

  8. Oh! The cuteness!!!

    I must not show this to my children though - far too dangerous ...

  9. Just gorgeous. My children are desperate for a dog, but i'm being very unkind and not giving in! I will not let them see these photos!

  10. Yup! She's gorgeous alright! xxxx (they are for Isabel - not you this time!!!!)

  11. She is gorgeous - I want one - such a great mix as I have said before - I do not want wish away her puppy hood but cannot wait to see what is Westie and what is Scotty....

  12. Ohhhh cuteness doesnt take them long to get into your heart does it!!

  13. How cute - I hope the men have come back?

  14. She is sooooooo cute! That photo of her asleep is adorable. I love those little pink tummies puppies have.
