Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Have we been sucked in yet?**EDITED

***22:43 hours and we have just had Princess Curly-Wurly down the stairs saying she has been having bad dreams. Apparently the possibility of a black hole swallowing up the world before she wakes has disturbed her slumber.

CK took her back upstairs and tucked her into bed explaining that it was okay b/c he had done the science at work during his lunchtime and it would all be well. The science was called quantum mechanics and he had - at this point she interrupted him and said 'Is that like in your 'quantum physics book, Daddy?' Truly my husband is a science geek.

Apparently she was laughing by the time he came downstairs because he said to tell her friends that if any of them were worried she should inform them the experiment was done in the shed last weekend. It involved Pr C-W and Destructo Boy riding in opposite directions on their bikes until CK released the neutrogena and the whole thing went CRASH! They kept it quiet so as not embarrass the long term efforts of all those at CERN ;-)

The (excuse my spelling b/c I think it will have to be phonetic) Hadron accelarator under the Alps in Switzerland was started up at 8:30 this morning. Being a household of nerds and proto-nerds and dogs we listened to the whole thing on the radio. Well, most of us did, the dogs just lounged around snoozing.

Of the three of us listening one was quite interested but fairly clueless as to the science. One was kind of interested and ignorant of the science. And the seven year old boy was listening horrified waiting for a black hole to open and suck us all in, never to be heard from again.

It hasn't happened yet. As far as I know. Let me know if you find yourself being s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d out into a blackhole. Please.


  1. Yep, I'm still still sitting here waiting for the end of the world!

  2. I hadn't heard anything about this until Dot started telling me about the stories going around school. I think she summed up the whole "being sucked into a Black Hole" business rather well as her response was "Well.......I suppose we'll find out on Thursday!"

  3. No spaghettification at this end (except in the cupboard ready for dinner later on). Think we're alright!

  4. well i'm still here - at least i think i am!!!


  5. Jacob came in from school saying "Well the end of the world hasn't happened yet" to which I replied "I guess we've time to have a cup of tea then!" I know it's really important and exciting but it just about sums it up!

  6. Don't worry, it isn't going to happen today....
    ...but it may happen on 21st October when they do the first collision...
    ...although Stephen Hawking said it won't happen....
    ...and if he said so it must be right...


    p.s. been uber-geeky today and listened to Big Bang Day on R4 whilst internetting everything there is to find about the Cern experiment :)

    p.p.s. lightened up a bit and did some research on recycling Tetrapaks :)

  7. lesley is a geek.

    I was trying miserably to explain the whole thing to Miss G today. But I think she knew more about it than me.....

  8. well am still here - and i better not get sucked down a bloody black hole before your box swap gets to me!!!


  9. One of No.1's friends was very miffed that the world might end so near to her birthday - she wanted to have her birthday and THEN the world could end. Guess she'll get to do it now?


  10. I've been R4'ing it today as well. I tried to get bigger child excited about it too but she just looked at me as if I was mad. Oh, hang on ...

  11. No sign of the blackhole yet!!! It is funny you mention that as I heard on the news about some girl taking her life as this story scared her so much! It shows how the media can cause so much fear and hype! I have to admit to knowing nothing about science at all so I just sit back and say it is all a lot of hullabaloo. Love your tooth fairy story you left on my blog - so cute!! =]

  12. oof! if you think there's a REAL POSSIBILITY of black-hole-suckage then i am sooooo NOT balancing the checkbook or cleaning the bathroom...and i definitely having a full-fat dessert...maybe INSTEAD of dinner...

    wait a second, was there some sort of *DOWNSIDE* to this??! :)

  13. Good gracious - I bow to the uber-geekness of Trash-towers!

  14. Okay... I am totally clueless about what's going on over there! Is it me or just all of us Americans??? I'll have to do some googling on the news. Thanks for visiting my blog... I am so behind on blog reading but I had to stop in and say "hi"!! We read the same blogs but I think this is the first time we've actually conversed :) Have a great weekend!

  15. Oh my goodness. Your geek and mine could have a great conversation, and our kids would have great fun comparing notes!!

    Thanks for stopping by The Journey on my SITS day.

  16. I'm sitting at my desk at work (I know...) and laughing out loud! Not only can CK destroy bad dreams in the shed at lunchtime but can explain quantum mechanics to a 7 year old... might have got that upside down but I love that you all were listening to the end of the world on the radio. Very H G Welles!

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    The only thing I've noticed since they switched on the big-swirly-thing-under-the-ground is that it hasn't rained since!! Spooky.
