Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Part the First over and done

It is 05:58 here in Changi and both the terences have had a solid six hours sleep in a v. dark and relatively quiet hotel room. I have to say I think it was the BEST money I have spent all holiday. Having the sleep tanks half-full will go someway to making the next 16 hours slightly more endurable.We still have hree hours until our flight actually takes off - which means two until we head to the boarding gate but I know that for the next six to eight hours at least everyone should be in some kind of cheery mood. After that I may just pretend I don't actually know them ;-)

Keep a spare thought in your minds for us if you will be so kind, I would hate for the pilot to evict us at 35,000 feet!


  1. Good luck with the rest of it. 2 hours in a plane is too long for me.

  2. Keep going Trashy! It will be fine! And just think, after this mammoth journey it will feel like a complete doddle to drive straight up to Newcastle as soon as you land to tell me all about your trip! I'll have the kettle on..............or maybe that should be "I'll have the wine in the fridge"?!

    Locket xxxx

  3. Do hope part the second was so good the pilot didn't have to chuck you out at high altitude, Trashy.
    Wishing you a happy return to home and real life

  4. As per Lockets comment, after that trip ,forget the tea and get the wine ready.....

  5. Hope the rest of your trip goes well!

  6. You can do it! Keep going! The stroppiness of the holidays will be nothing compared to the jet lag when you get back. I've really cheered you up, haven't I? :-D


  7. . . . missing you already. Safe travel

  8. Lighting a candle/praying for peace - and chilling the vodka :)

    Planning to skip out of town for a long weekend; planning to be back Tuesday before the Inaguration follies begin. It is craziness here I tell you. CRAZINESS!

  9. hope its not as bad as you think - sending good vibes for a safe journey!


  10. Hope it's all going well, because as I write I think you're probably in flight ...

  11. Keep going Trash - flap your arms really hard and you'll soon be home!
    Just think - your own comfy bed awaits :-)

