Friday, 30 January 2009

Why is finding a puppy so difficult?

We are desparately trying to fulfill our birthday promise to Princess Curly-Wurly and it is soooooooooooo difficult.

Who would have thought that locating a young dog to offer it a good home would be so fraught with mishap? They are either not suitable to CK (spaniels), not suitable to me (fussy on coat texture and colour) or not suitable to Pr.C-W (fussy on letting a chinese-crested dog) into her life.

Dear inhabitants of the innernets - please help! Send good puppy finding thoughts winging their way up the hill because this is beginning to drive me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!


  1. *good thought*
    Now repeat after me...
    "you WILL find a puppy, you WILL find a puppy...."

  2. I hope the right puppy comes along soon :)

    Love the image of the beach...ah, summer. I had to wear snowshoes to get from my house to my car yesterday.

  3. If you haven't found it yet, it means it's not ready for you yet ;-)

    Signed ... An ageing hippie x

  4. Hopefully you'll feel "perfect puppy" vibes over the ocean!! We just got a puppy yesterday!! Albeit he's a free (soon to be put down) puppy... from the local vet/refuge. He's so cute! The kids are in love! Jackson came in this morning to ask if Max was still here... and how long he'd be staying. When I said "forever"... wowowow... those eyes got HUGE with excitement!! Hope you find the perfect puppy! :)

  5. Why don't you buy a chicken instead?

    Locket xxxxx

  6. What is wrong with spaniels?

  7. Chickens, Locket? What is she on?

    Sending positive puppy finding vibes your way.


  8. I am glad you found your puppy. In fact, she looks a lot like the puppy I just got yesterday, but perhaps a little older! Cute!

