Saturday 25 July 2009

a sneaky peek, two finishes and a Summer project.

i don;t know if anyone remembers the saga of me trying to knit a chippie scarf and the Twiggy knitting group, both some many months ago but one of the side-effects was an intensification of my Noro dislike.

However with the wool sitting upstairs getting progressively twiggier everytime I looked at it I finally knitted it up into this hat last Winter.

But I didn't actually follow a proper pattern, just did the requisite number of decreases once I thought there was enough height to the hat. There is some possibility I may have left it a little late to begin those decreases ;-)

Fortunately the friend I am gifting it to (same one who didn't get the scarf it was originally) needs it to cover her ears as well as keep her head warm so YAY for my over-zealous hat knitting technique!

The Lower 40 has seen more than abundant growth over the last few months and Princess Curly-Wurly was delighted to pick this mahoosive marrow from her side of the acreage.

She was posing as Atlas just so we could all see how heavy this beast of a vegetable is - 4.62 kgs!

And there you have my finishes, wanna see the Summer project?

Coming home from a dog walk last night d/Boy asked if he could paint his cricket bat. As I listening to him enumerate his design ideas I thought 'Why not?' So many times children hear grown-ups say 'No' or some platitude that amounts to the same thing - Yes dear, Maybe later, or Oh no, I don't think so.

What a gift to be able to say yes. Yes my darling, go and use your hands to create something of beauty. Yes my boy, take your clever idea and your interest in cricket and join them to make a project you will remember forever. Yes d/Boy use your imagination. So once home he got his bat and rubbed it down with sandpaper, checking several times to see what came next. Finally he was able to apply the filler.

This morning he took up the task again and sanded back the filler. His mind buzzing with ideas of how to execute his design. I shall keep you updated.

And finally my sneaky peek.....

...... oh Summer Swap object how I have loved making thee.


  1. can't wait to see that bat!!!!

  2. This is a fab swap huh? Do please let us know if you do think more on your swap plan!! xx

  3. very impressed with the knitting - never been able to reach even a competent level at knitting!

  4. Oh I want you to be my mum Trash. My mum was always a strict mum who was quick to dampen any creative spark with a 'NO'.

    Lets see... I'm nearly 45 and she still tut tuts over my decision to make art my career. Ok, deep rooted psychological problems evident here.

    I look forward to seeing what the young master paints on his bat.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love the yarn you used to make the hat. Great colors! And all the translations at the top of your blog made my laugh! Love it. can't wait to read more.

  6. Can't wait to see what DestructoBoy does! Lucy x

  7. Oh dear....I may have said no or we'll see about forty seven times today. Mind you, Minx is now happily stamping while Monster is designing a robot, so it can't all be bad!

    Looking forward to d/boy's finished artwork :)

    As for the marrow - wow! My beasties love theirs filled with a tuna and tomatoey peppery mixture and topped with cheese - yum yum....going to have to make it again this week...


  8. thata a marrow to be proud of!!! and i love the hat - even through a blurred pic!


  9. That is indeed a mahoosive wedgetable and your daughter is obviously as strong as she is lovely. Good for you with the cricket bat project, that is a really ace way to parent IMO

  10. marrow magnificent! Loved the sneaky peak you've done well

  11. awwwww maaaaaaaaaaan! i think you just *MIGHT* be the BEST MUM EVER!!!!! cannot wait to see said customized limited edition d-boy bat! in the meantime whilst creativity ensues, it seems like the lad could practice his batting with one of those GARGANTUAN MARROWS! :)

  12. So that's what a cricket bat looks like. Awesome. Can't wait to see what it looks like painted. I bet he sets off a new trend of bat-painting. Dandy!
