Thursday, 15 October 2009

Questions you never want to be asked. (Day 16)

I went up to tuck destructoBoy in the other night. As is our wont I lay down on his bed and we chatted for a bit before lights out.

We discussed his day - the homework handed in, the upcoming school swimming lesson, whether he would ever actually get to the next level in Wii Lego Star Wars, eventually conversation quieted into companionable silence. Suddenly he sat forward and said "Do you think I will be a good kisser when I grow up?"

"My darling boy," I replied as I got up to leave the room "I will never know."


  1. If I was 30 years younger I'd let him give me a smooch - he's a very handsome young man!! Love, love, love your answer though - might have to file that one away for future use.

  2. I see he's inherited CK's way with women :)

  3. oh my.......oh my.!!!!!!!

  4. roflmol.....goodness the things boys ask. Love your answer. Regardless of what you think of his kissing ability I bet the girls will be fighting over him....grin.

  5. Great answer... but with those looks I reckon they'll be queueing up to find out!

  6. That's just gorgeous! He's a sweetie and I love your answer.

    PS. Star Wars cheats are here. Who needs girls if you can unlock extra characters and get to the next level?

  7. He is too cute, in looks and in words. I can only imagine what you were thinking when he asked that!

  8. How funny! Brilliant answer! Locket xxx

  9. brilliant reply - i think i would have been struck dumb!!


  10. LOL. I had to laugh on this one. Though I'm not sure what your reaction when you were asked. I don't have children yet and I can't imagine being asked and at a such a young age. I think it's a little funny :-)

