Thursday 25 February 2010

If wishes were horses then beggars would ride.

Or in this mama's case - would wake up to clean air and general lack of asphyxia.

Most mornings I am up first and slowly the rest of the household trickles downstairs to mooch in the living room for a bit before beginning the day. Some days however d/Boy is up and awake before any of us. These are usually the days where he comes into my room and wakes me gentle, saying things like 'Tell me to go and get ready for school.' or 'Remind to make my bed.' This for the joy he experiences when he can turn around and say 'TA DAH! I have already done it.'

Monday morning I woke to a smell rather than a sound. I cannot even dignify it with the term 'scent'. My bedroom smelled of bodyspray. A lot of bodyspray. In fact my eyes were open for several minutes before I realised it,so thick was the air with this bodyspray. I prodded CK and said 'You are going to have to talk with your son about how to use an aerosol effectively'. With tears streaming from his reddened eyes CK just nodded, holding in lungs what little fresh air he could.

I blame the father/daughter tag team. He suggested to Princess C-W that she gift her brother with one of those stinky spray gift sets at Christmas as he had always wanted 'smellies'. Pah! Blurry pandering parents. We really should know by now that it never does any good


  1. Don't complain! It's better than the sweet sweet stench of BO!

    (I tell myself this every time I pass the year 10 lockers at lunchtime. The boys really seem to believe that the Lynx effect will actually come true.)

  2. I'd laugh but I experience it on a daily basis - except it's teenage girls.....arrrrrr.....which is possibly slighly worse that the smelly boy stuff. At least James hasn't gone done that road yet. I'm bracing myself. Hope the rest of the day was smell free and you got some fresh air.
    PS At Elise's party last night one girl was smelling her money!!! Apparently she sprays it with perfume so it smells nice. Work that one out.
