Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Hexies Part One (The Blue Period)

IMG20120216_001 by trashalou
Blue was the bundle I grabbed from the stash and so my first effort at hexies has a distinctly cool feel.

There are now 64 stitched together with another 20 basted and ready to go.

It seems this may be growing into a slowbuild/no pressure, take my time project. Right this minute i see each blocked being appliqued onto same colour linen when finished and then all joined together.


You know.

Or not.


  1. Very, Very Pretty -- that's a lot of work!

  2. oooh, lovely! Looks calming and relaxing, like my blue Made in Cherry quilt (that is also in no hurry to get finished, it has decided!)Hexies are very addictive!

  3. Welcome to the madness of hexies! Blue is coooool you know xox

  4. love the blue!!! the patterns go so well together!!!
    and thank you for the picture...i was trying to imagine what on earth it was that you were making. i like this!!!

  5. Aaaaand you're addicted. Haha there's no version of AA for Hexie addiction.

  6. looking gorgeous! I'm a little envious because it's always been something that I've wanted to do and I'm really looking forward to seeing this grow, at a pleasurable and leisurely pace of course!

  7. Your hexies look great Trash - you must be very patient! I love the idea but not the reality of actually sewing them all. Lucy xx
