Friday, 4 May 2012

I am not well :-(

Today I have a cold. A 'crappy scritchy throat, pained sinuses, blocked ears and sneezing' kind of cold. I feel there is insufficient sympathy being provided at my house. I am opening the options if anyone wants to chip in. All 'poor thing's and 'there, there's welcome.


  1. Poor thing. There, There.


    In this house such a case would only not elicit sympathy and cups of tea, but comments of "Oh yes, I'm not feeling great today either."

  2. oooh, I had it this week too! I thought I was dying (manflu) and I go back to work and describe it- they tell me it was a cold! Bah, no sympathy for the dying, is there? Plus I was hormonal so had serious crankypants on! Take it out on all of them, I say!

  3. Val, why does that happen? I have a cold so someone else in the house must have a borderline flu. I have a sore arm so someone else in the house is wondering if theirs is broken?

  4. Awwww Trash {hugs}. Hope you feel better soon. Colds are rotten miserable bloody things ... I feel for you, I really do :o). Get lots of rest if you can.
    Joy xxx

  5. Poor baby. You must feel just awful. Colds are horrible things.

  6. Feel better you poor little bunny!

  7. *fluffs up pillows, passes Trash a fresh cup of virtual honey and lemon tea, pulls up blanket, gets new box of tissues, flicks the tv on (for vegetating in front of)*

    Feel better soon!

  8. I can't poor thing you, but I will console you with the fact that my throat is scritchy scritchy too. And sniffles. I hope you're feeling better soon!

  9. Oh you poor thing :(

    I'm not going to trump you with any ailments, other than two scratchy throated children who were WIDE AWAKE at 12.30am, requiring Nurse Moog's devoted attentions.

    They're now out on the bloody trampoline screaming at the tops of their lungs...grrr.

    Get well soon xxx

  10. Poor bunny! (pours a large slug of whiskey and hands it to you). Here drink this. It will make you feel better, even if it doesn't - you won't care.
