Saturday, 2 June 2012

Fat Quarterly Report One. Subtitle: Just for the record.

Having checked in to my swanky hotel with the longest corridors and smallest rooms ever, I showed my new friend Mandy the sights (ahem *cough*cough*) Regent Street,  Liberty and Carnaby Street.

Contrary to popular opinion and expectation there has been no wild behaviour. Me chatting up with the rather gorgeous man on the tube while being serenaded by buskers doing a rather insipid version of 'The Irish Rover' was sheer serendipity.

I have stood on no tables. All other reports and stories should be taken with a really large grain of salt.

However as I am typing my roof has sprung a leak and it seems my shower is now right by the door.


  1. Well, it sounds like you're making the most of it, in spite of dodgy accomodations. I hope you had a wonderful time!

  2. Stand on some tables, woman!

  3. Many thanks to Scary Mary for being the kind bag-lady she is to carry all my gear home from the reataurant after Claudia let the naughty table drink her beer whoo let my knee, leg and the floor taste some too :) See you again soon Trash!!

  4. was soooo much fun to see you - thank you for organising all the sample swap shenanigans and stuff. You are a superstar x

  5. It was wonderful so see you - as always - but we were rather disssapointed that we didn't see you dancing on tables. Next year perhaps?

  6. Oh? I was sure it was you I saw sambaing on the table...Thank you for a great time. Didn't manage to get a pic of Scary Mary, though, so you need to bring her back next year. Please!

  7. Hee hee - although I missed out on the fun this time I can always claim I was there on that day when you stood on the tables at Country Living, to the horror of the twinset and pearls brigade.

    your hotel sounds delightful!

  8. I so never ever stood on the table!
