Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Welcome wagon (again)

Trash Towers
On Top of the Hill
Edge of the West Country

Behind the Compost Bin
Trash Towers
On Top of the Hill
Edge of the West Country

Hi new neighbours,

it was really interesting to spot you just now, even if it was so very briefly. You have moved in so quickly and quietly we hardly even knew you were there. Thank goodness for the alertness of My Assistant, she was most insistent that new neighbours had arrived and regularly shouted out greetings to you. Being young she was a little hurt that you never replied.

As is our wont when new folk move into our lane we have left you a small parcel of delicacies on both your front and back doorsteps. We really hope you enjoy these and that your time on The Hill, however brief, is enjoyable.

Kind regards,


OMG! OMG! OMG! While I was out in the kitchen typing the letter above I heard a squeaky/hissy sound and knew there was only one thing that would make that noise - THERE WAS A FUCKING RAT IN MY DINING ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Assistant was being fairly useless (too much a big city terrier) and just had it cornered and squeaking wildly so I rang CK who was very brave and offered to come home and deal with it (as if! a) I am not waiting the half an hour it would take him to get home and b) I don't think both of us standing outside the closed dining room door trying not to squeal like little girls is going to be anymore beneficial than just me doing it.)

So I called out those immortal words to my lovely neighbour Chris "Are you any good with rats?" Bless him he came bearing a cloth, some big gloves and a don't panic attitude. After 30 seconds I called through the door  'Shall I go outside and hide in my car while you do this? which he heard as 'Do you want any help?' Apparently an extra pair of eyes is beneficial when ratcatching. So I asked him to hand me out my wellies as there was NO way I was going stand wearing sandals in the same room  as a rat with a desperate escape plan. By the time the boots were on Chris had the offending article wrapped up in the cloth and bending in ways I am fairly certain are not proscribed by the Rat Osteopath Society. As headed out the door he asked if I would like him to deal with it. Yes Chris, yes I would.


  1. YIKES! Sounds like a scarey morning at your place. Glad it ended happily!

  2. Are that man deserves a knighthood. Since you are almost English you must know the queen so therefore you can easily organise it.
    Well done Neighbour Chris. You rock!

  3. I agree with jennyflower!!!!
    Joy :o)

  4. Got to admire a man who isn't scared of rats. I'm with you though - hiding in the car would be my preferred option too.

  5. buy that man a large drink, what a hero!

  6. EEEEEEEEEEW! HATE rats, HATE them. Most animals I can put up with - I have even been known to feed squirrels much to my mother's disgust - but not those revolting beasts. They're close to wasps in the useless and awful stakes.

  7. That Chris is a keeper. Bless him. A thousand times. Bless.

  8. Wow - what a neighbour. Make that man a cup of tea and a custard cream. I don't know what I would do if I found a rat in my house. I saw one scuttle under our wheelie bin once and tried to alert my husband but he couldn't understand me as I was on the brink of hyperventilating.

  9. Yikes! Not nice! What a fab neighbour though xx

  10. Ew! Hate rats. Hate snakes more though. What a nice man.

  11. Guinness well deserved!!! How are you? Haven't been blogging or following lately so very quiet from me. Hope everything is going well.
