Thursday, 6 February 2014

Things my children probably should know. Part One

  • Every woman has a different idea of handsome.
  • How you say something is as important as your actual words.
  • Never put yourself down, there are enough people in the world waiting to do that.
  • Humorous self-deprecation has its place.
  • Be self-ish. If you can't look after yourself, you can't look after others.
  • It is not your job to fix things for everybody.
  • Try it. Except drugs and orgies. Those you can pretty much guarantee don't live up to the hype.
  • Put in the hard graft to reap the rewards but accept sometimes there are no rewards. If someone else swans in for the glory moment, kick them in the shin. Hard.
  • Be able to communicate in a foreign language even if you do it badly. Una bierre grazie/un biere/s'il vous plait/ein bier bitte/una cerveza per favour will get you friends in many countries.
  • Keep learning always. There is something new to be experienced every day, even if it is just a sunrise or sunset.
  • Stand tall.
  • Take up space.
  • Don't let someone tell you you can't because of who or what you are if you think you can.
  • Every man has a different idea of beautiful.
  • Be enough for yourself.
  • Develop a sense of your own style. Allow yourself to adapt it as you age.
  • Stand up to the bullies; sometimes they live in your own head.
  • Listen to people.
  • Don't carry a gun unless you are authorised by a government agency. Same goes for a knife bigger than a Swiss Army blade.