Friday, 4 January 2008

She is a bad, bad woman!

Recently I have been surfng the 'innernets' and found this lovely place blindly, if you will. Oh but people, she is a bad person.

Missus 'I am a bad person' FlowerGarden had this posted out in the flowerbeds of her blog. And as my baking mojo has been on walkabout in recent months I was hoping it would get me kick started.

Oh boy. It did! I made it last night and must confess the first piece burned my mouth. It was just too yummy smelling to let it cool. Then CK and I had some for supper. This morning Pr.Curly-Wurly and Babyman had a taste for breakfast. She didn't like it. :-)) Yippee!!! More for us. Babyman loved it. :-(( Boo Hiss!! Then just to make things even I had to have some for breakfast and so here we are at coffee break time and this is all we have left.

She is a bad, bad woman. *shakes head sadly and shoulders slumped shuffles away*


  1. Mmmmm, looks yummy. x

    PS rfacku - my word verification today. Is it just me or is that nearly dirty? :-O

  2. It does look very nice indeed - and you weren't to know that Annie would sneak something so scrummy into her blog. You have my every sympathy!

    Lucy x

    P.S. Kitty's p.s. made me snort!

  3. Oh wow - that does look divine. Thank God I can't cook!

