Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Oh dear! I may have found a new addiction.

Let me start by showing my version of WMK's cake

Cleverly I made it after the childer were in bed b/c that way it would be safe and ready for lunch the following day. HA! CK and I didn't even wait for it to get cold but burned our fingers on straight from the oven strawberries. I love this cake. I love the taste, simplicity and versatility of this cake. I LOVE that I finally have found a recipe for Strawberry Cake after searching the innernets last Summer.

Thank you a gazillionty times WMK.

In the last few months I have realised that perhaps (just this once) CK is right.

I have an addiction.

My addiction revolves around anything which requires the purchasing of many colours of items to be used in alleviating the symptoms.

For years he has put up with the paints, brushes, blanks and assorted paraphernalia that go with painting as a hobby. In fact quantities reached such levels that one Summer he and Babyman built me La Villa de Lamaca to house all the assorted bits of A.C. (ref: above to dictionary). Literally I now cannot get in the door! (this is the bit where I hang my head in shame and don't show you any pictures b/c it really is true.)

Then I rediscovered cross-stitching. I collected magazines and aida cloth and bobbins to hold the five hundred different colours of cotton floss. But I stopped b/c after a half dozen stitches I fall asleep every single time.

A few visits back Sylv taught Princess Curly-Wurly to knit. I couldn't help myself and she wasn't showing interest in the knitted monkey kit friends had given her for Christmas slowly and steadily I re-introduced myself to the world of knitting. And a whole new avenue of colour application appeared before me. Not just yarn but needles, stitch markers, magazines and patterns.

This is the bag I have been knitting with the fab yarn sent to me by my gorgeous hot cocoa swapper. I just need to add the webbing around the top (I tried once and the thread was very unpleasant to work with - it can go into the 'soon' pile. )

This was sooo much fun and soooo easy to make I have bought more cotton to with which to make presents.

This in turn lead to the delightful craft-filled corner of the blogosphere I now inhabit. Here I am not only among those who appreciate and understand these colour addictions but enable me to explore them further. At first it was just with a camera but then textiles began to call to me.

And what fabric! At first it was just excitement b/c Lucy Locket had arranged a quilt swap (please read on to be amazed by the skill and cleverness of my talented swappee - the delightful Miss Kitty Wrinkle!) but then I finally got my Paypal account working.

How cute are these?!

I may have mentioned I have a love for here and after an afternoon of decadence there and reading this on the way home I decided to make a quilt. A Fortnum & Mason's quilt. So then I bought these.

And these.

*Sigh* I could just look at all these for hours. But now I have them I shall have to do something with them I suppose.

But here is the really big news. My favourite ever mini-quilt swapper got all organised and ahead of herself (b/c you know, we weren't going to swap anything until Christmas!) and this piece of fabric gorgeousness found its way to my house today. (CK grabbed it from the postman b/c my evil black dog has a reputation!!). Miss Kitty has made Trash Towers on top of the Hill!

I love this so much I slept with it this afternoon. Seriously! Well, it was on the couch when I fell asleep and do you know? I'm sure it gave me some triffic dreams b/c the colours could not be more perfect and Princess C-Dub was soooo excited to see the flowers - she is all about the poppies that girl!

Thank you a hundred thousand million times Kitty and as I said in my email I will be crawling off to hide from the quilt police b/c I am now to embarrassed to send mine off.

Oh, and CK got up first the next day so the childer had cake for breakfast!


  1. Maybe it would be better if you broke it up into mini addictions ??
    Your quilt is awesomeness itself - I love trash towers !!!

  2. 'scuse me, ma'am, but i b'lieve what you've got there is called ARTISTIC TALENT. you do seem to have a particularly strong case of it...what with it appearing in many guises & on many plateaus (plateaux?!) & with so many TYPES of talent!!!

    i have 2 things to contribute on this subject:

    1. the difference between you & me is that you are GOOD AT many more types of art hobby than me...*and*'re brave enough to post pics of your quantity...i post pics of daniel craig, instead... :)

    2. i think it is wonderful to raise children w/the example of a mum who is always interested in new things, who tries & practices until she becomes good at something, and who is determined to keep learning for her entire life! surely, on some level they are absorbing those FAB lessons!!! there... :)
    (A/C, indeed! sheesh!!!)

  3. So you have an addiction? So what! So do we all I think!!! But woweee that quilt from Kitty is fantabulous! Your very own Trash Towers on the hill! You lucky lucky thing! Lucy x

  4. That quilt of Trash Towers is fantastic! And love the look of that strawberry cake... yummy!

  5. You really like it then? *blush* Sorry about forgetting the label on the back *blush again*.

    That cake looks fabulous - does it taste as good as it looks?


  6. That cake looks fantastic and all the strawbs out there at the moment means it has to be made, but how many of your old fashioned English Euro-illegal ounces is the equivalent of a stick of butter?

  7. Well done on the cake, the addiction, and the mini-quilt!

    ps: one stick butter is 1/2 cup : )

  8. Blimey Trashy I don't know where to start! I'm so glad to hear you have an addiction - I thought it was just me! Those fabrics are gorgeous and your quilt from Miss Kitty is soooo beautiful!!

    Phew! Almost too much goodness to take in :)


  9. the quilt is really lovely!
